Activate Your Dream Muscles

Too often we’re conditioned to believe we have to choose, limiting the expansiveness of our dreams and potential. Or we get caught up in “failures,” resisting the flow of our life path, as opposed to trusting it.

This incredible conversation with the industry’s “Godmother of Transformation,” Marcia Martin, is all about exercising your dream muscles to match the frequency of your desires.

Marcia is renowned as one of the most effective transformational leadership trainers and executive coaches in the world. She has personally trained over 350,000 people globally to be more powerful and competent speakers and leaders. As the CEO of Marcia Martin Productions, Inc., an international executive training firm, she has trained and developed tens of thousands of executives across the world to strengthen and expand their leadership results in life and in business (including clients such as Warner Bros., Capital One Financial, and Hard Rock Hotel). 

You’ll want to listen to this episode to receive Marcia’s unique genius and methods of manifesting!


  • Marcia’s credentials and professional background (1:19)
  • How to get from where you are to where you want to be (4:00)
  • Ways to reactive your dream muscles (6:01)
  • Shifting the focus to contribution and values (9:20)
  • The ultimate source of manifesting (13:04)
  • What it means to become the vibrational match (13:54)
  • Get out of creating excuses and settling (33:43)

Connect with Marcia Martin


I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at: @ginadevee   

…or send me a DM.

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