
From Celebrity Nutritionist & Bestselling Author
Cynthia Pasquella


hen I think of London, I can’t help but imagine myself sipping on a perfectly warm cup of tea in the afternoon, perhaps in the company of a Duchess or two. But since that isn’t always possible, I like to bring the classic tradition into my own home (and office),
especially when I consider its amazing benefits for the body, mind, spirit—and therefore, my business!
Let me explain.
You might have heard that tea is one of the healthiest things you can drink. Some of the cultures with the longest-living people, such as those in China and Japan, are regular tea drinkers. But in addition to its extraordinary benefits for your body, tea offers you other intangible things that every successful entrepreneur needs.

Ahead, I share the nine mind and body benefits of tea that have been the most helpful to me in my life and business.

wwhen I think of London, I can’t help but imagine myself sipping on a perfectly warm cup of tea in the afternoon, perhaps in the company of a Duchess or two. But since that isn’t always possible, I like to bring the classic tradition into my own home (and office), especially when I consider its amazing benefits for the body, mind, spirit—and therefore, my business!

Let me explain.

You might have heard that tea is one of the healthiest things you can drink. Some of the cultures with the longest-living people, such as those in China and Japan, are regular tea drinkers. But in addition to its extraordinary benefits for your body, tea offers you other intangible things that every successful entrepreneur needs.

Ahead, I share the nine mind and body benefits of tea that have been the most helpful to me in my life and business.


Tea has your back

Non-herbal tea – whether it’s white, green, oolong, black or pu-erh – all comes from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. These flavors are all amazing for you, because they contain a major class of antioxidants called polyphenols. These polyphenols are known to play a role in helping to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, cardiovascular diseases, more than 10 types of cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and Type 2 diabetes. Whoa!

It amps up your workouts

Studies have shown that green tea, which is the least processed type of tea, helps your body burn fat and improves muscle endurance. Plus, it has been shown to improve bone strength. Another study indicated that drinking tea regularly could help keep your waist slimmer. On top of that, sipping on a warm cup of tea is an awesome alternative to snacking!

It’s like drinking from the “fountain of youth”

Not only is tea super hydrating (yes, even with the caffeine content), its incredible antioxidant levels help keep your skin smooth, radiant and firm by fighting the environmental aggressors that contribute to wrinkles, dark spots and sagging. Tea is also known to help protect your skin from the damage caused by UV rays, which are the top source of skin aging. Grab a mug so you can enjoy the wisdom of being a successful entrepreneur, without the wrinkles.

It helps keep your brain sharp

Studies link tea with the prevention of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s.Those mighty polyphenols are credited with supporting the parts of the brain that regulate memory and learning new things. Needless to say, your business, your employees and your
customers need your brain for as long as possible, so sip up!

Your immune system will thank you

People who consistently drink tea are less likely to get sick, thanks to the high amount of antioxidants, which strengthen your immunity. Considering how much you can get done
in one day (for both work and
play), staying virus-free is huge for being able to hustle with your business. Time is money, right?

Herbal teas ARE always a fabulous fix

Herbal teas are made by steeping flowers, seeds, leaves or roots in hot water. What’s great is that there are all different kinds of teas that address all different kinds of concerns. For example, if you’ve spent all day and night at networking events eating greasy foods that left your stomach feeling gross, you might want to drink peppermint tea. Did a client take you out on her yacht but left you feeling nauseated? Try ginger tea. Maybe you’ve had a long – I mean a VERY long – week. Then sit back and relax with a cup of chamomile!

A tea ritual gives you “me time”

Tea signifies a moment of self-care, which you not only deserve but also need. Every day, no matter how busy I get, I drink tea as a reminder to slow down amidst all the hectic activities of the day. As I feel the soothing liquid warm my body, I steep myself (sorry, I had to!) in relaxation and gratitude. Tea time is an excellent way to take a step back, look at the big picture and think strategically about your business opportunities. Trust me on this one – this daily ritual, even if only for ten minutes, makes a huge difference over time!

Tea keeps your energy high

Afternoon tea was started by Anna Russell, the 7th Duchess of Bedford, to prevent hunger during the long break between lunch and dinner. We all know what it’s like when you’re so in the zone that you forget to eat! Schedule tea time every day so you can make sure you’re nourished all day long, and therefore, doing your best work. Get full-on British and have some light snacks along with your tea if you feel like you need some more energy for the latter half of the day.

TEA takes you out of the entrepreneurial bubble

Soon after the Duchess of Bedford began taking her afternoon tea, it became a common activity for friends to do together. As a business owner, it’s so easy to slowly lose grip of your social life. Your hands are full, I get it! Why not find some fellow entrepreneurs nearby to enjoy a once-weekly tea ritual, and bring the tradition over to our side of the pond? It could be just the pattern interrupt you’ve been longing for.




For more health, wellness & spirituality from Cynthia Pasquella visit: cynthiapasquella



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