Perfectly Packaged
Did you know that you only have to be just “one step ahead” of your potential client to call yourself an expert and start packaging your brilliance?
That’s right, no need for excessive degrees, a huge following, or any of those other status factors that keep us paralyzed with inaction or undervaluing our worth.
All it takes to reach consistent 10k months, work from anywhere, and make a massive impact in people’s lives is confidently playing in your strengths and sharing your expertise…
Let me guess, were you that kid in class that was afraid to raise your hand (even though you knew the right answer) because you were worried about what your classmates would think? OR worse…what if you gave the wrong answer?! Would they laugh? Maybe you’d get called on and completely blank…and then it’d just be dead silence while everyone stared at you…
I’m anxious just thinking back to those days! Little Miss Perfect Gina was soooo desperate to always get it right that I would miss out on the opportunities to even put myself in the game and try. Are you feeling like that, too?
It took me up through my 20s to realize that other people’s opinions didn’t define my success. That just starting and taking the chances to get it right was the true answer!
Just like raising your hand, to obtain this epic life you desire selling high-end packages, showcasing your brilliance, and traveling the world while doing so, you have to take the first step and overcome the fictitious fears of “what if” because …
What if it’s everything you’ve ever wanted?!
That’s where I can help!
Being on the other side of that giant leap of faith and landing safely on the other side of what’s possible… I’m here to give you those same wings.
- I will get you feeling confident in your unique gifts and talents so that you can actually sell your services (and feel GOOD doing it!).
- I will show you the ins and outs of how you should structure your packages so that they work for you no matter what level you’re at.
- I will get you confident in your visibility so you can show what you know!
- I will guide you on how to share your unique expertise so that your audience grows and your ideal clients will beg to pay you for your wisdom!
- I will get you on your feet with “easy wins” so that you quickly build momentum and reach higher levels (and higher price points) from the start.
- I will teach you my own strategies that helped me charge my worth and continuously raise my rates & reputation with ease.
The question is… are you ready to take the leap of faith and see just how good life is about to get? Because the perfect package is already within you, always has been….you just never knew it!
Started from scratch to 14 clients!
“Through Gina’s last program, I went from: not knowing where to start, to having 14 clients in total for the past 2 months (and still going!). From having a big fear of being visible to being more confident with going on live than ever before. From being a stay-at-home wife to a role model for all my clients and from hiding out and having no voice to a owning my Queen in business and in life and so much more!
I have grown more in the past 10 weeks than I have IN the past 2 years. THANK YOU Queens ? ? sisters, Gina and the team…See some of you in DLA!”
~ Lucy Le – Bankstown, Australia
Everything you need to start your business!
“All of Gina’s programs are a no brainer to join. I recommend that you take advantage of everything inside! It is an absolute JEWEL and it provides EVERYTHING that you need to start and have a business, one where you are actually making money. Sign up AND follow the coaching. Follow the program. You have everything there.”
~ Aura Martinez – Bronx, NY
Start your journey to 10K+ months if you’ve been thinking…
- “I’m meant for so much more than I’m currently settling for…to serve more people, create more impact, and make great money doing it!”
- “Wow, I really love what she’s doing ….I think I could do something similar…I just don’t know where to start.”
- “I want to share my powerful story with a global audience….but will anyone even listen?”
- “I would love to grow my platform with like-minded people who just get me and share my passion.”
- “Can I really turn the things I love doing (and I’m good at) into a business that makes great money?!”
- “I wish I had the confidence to sell my unique talents without second guessing if I’m good enough or barely pitching a price I’m comfortable with…”
- “I’m ready to be of high-service to others and offer high-end packages…I just wish I had an expert by my side to show me how..”
If this looks like the inside of your journal, then you’re in the right place!
In just 10 weeks, you’ll be waking up each morning…
- Jumping out of bed with fresh ideas that can easily be monetized
- Actually EXCITED to ‘go to work’ doing what you love, serving clients you love even more!
- With emails from your rockstar team, asking how they can support you in your next package creation process
- Reading through the dozens of messages in your DMs from dream clients saying you’ve changed their lives, you’ve made such a difference, and asking how they can continue working with you
- Logging onto Instagram to see hundreds of new like-minded followers who resonate with your posts (expect a double tap!)
- Feeling blessed to be living life, doing what you love, knowing you’re making a BIG difference in the world just by being visible
Perfectly Packaged
Are you ready to escape the hamster wheel of trying to fit into existing jobs and instead do something that genuinely inspires you (that you can monetize)?!
Do you yearn to know what your clear and unique offerings are and who you’re specifically meant to serve?
Ready to use your personal story to connect with like-minded people who feel HEARD and INSPIRED by your words (leading them to want to buy from you)?
Are you interested to know where your ideal clients are? And the proven ways you can make money online with high-end packages they won’t be able to resist?
Ready to start charging what you’re worth (because you are good enough!) and receive great money, doing what you love, while changing lives?
Today is the day!
I can help you discover and personalize your talents, become visible, and attract ideal clients as a result.
You don’t have to wait for a massive following or email list to get started and begin serving clients.
There is a way for you to start making an impact + income ASAP just by being who you are and putting your passions into an irresistible offering.
How I used packages to start my multimillion-dollar business
Over 20 years ago, I had just quit my career as a psychotherapist making $24K a year, stopped booking appointments with my own therapist to “find myself”, and started scrounging together pennies to move out of my parent’s house in Detroit and relocate across the country to Los Angeles, where I had the intention to pursue my new calling as a self-proclaimed Life Coach Extraordinaire.
I was terrified! My family and friends thought I was insane.
While it felt crazy and “irresponsible” I was desperate to try it. In my mind, there was no other option. I knew I was meant for more…DESIGNED for more.
I got to LA and as the Universe would have it, I met another life coach through a friend of mine. We got to talking and I found out that she was selling packages at $15K (which was more than half my annual salary at this point!) I was stunned, but that was “A-HA” moment # 1: I was highly undervaluing myself.
After this realization, I launched my first $6K package! Sounds sexy, right? Well, turns out $6K packages are only sexy when you’re selling more than one every six months…
It was then that some friends referred me to a business workshop in San Diego. Down to only $100 in my bank account, using $20 to fill my gas tank, I attended. That workshop changed my entire belief about money. “A-HA” moment #2: everyone is designed for an abundant life!
Right then and there, I swore to myself that I would never again say “I would love to, but I don’t have the money”. With this new promise in place, I felt divinely called to work with the keynote speakers…this was the answer I had been searching for! And as luck would have it, to work with them, I would have to come up with $27K! Sticking to my new promise, I asked them to give me two weeks before running my card and then rushed off to find my miracle.
Not knowing what I was going to do, I resorted to my new money mantras and envisioned myself having that $30K. At the same time, I was wrapping up my final session with a client who had purchased one of my $6K packages. In some destined miracle he ended up being so pleased with his results that he asked to purchase a package for each of his team members (salesmen for basement waterproofing of all things)!
“A-HA” moment #3: miracles can come in all forms!
10 members x 10 $6K packages…. I not only reached my $30K deadline but doubled it!
“A-HA” moment #4: where there’s purpose, money will follow.
When you’re clear and devoted, your path will be affirmed. But FIRST you have to make a promise to yourself and take the first step, no matter how awkward, scared or uncomfortable.
Fast forward, and I now own a multimillion-dollar company, host life-changing 1-day intensives and group retreats in the most luxurious settings around the world, offer an array of transformational packages and have never looked back since!
Ready to take the leap and change your life with your packages?
While it may feel uncomfortable to take that initial giant leap of faith, shatter your comfort zone, and get your offerings out into the world…it’s even MORE uncomfortable to live with the intuitive knowing that you’re meant for more and NOT taking action on it!
While it may feel scary at first because it’s new and unknown, understand that you are always divinely supported because your passion is part of your divine calling in this life that’s meant to be lived out (and therefore, fail-proof)….
You’re already designed as the “perfect package”, just by being you, and now it’s about seeing your worth and monetizing it to inspire others to do the same.
It’s time for you to take the leap and make it happen for yourself!
To say YES to your calling.
To show up for your dream clients who need you.
To live up to your divine potential.
To 10X your contribution through unique packages.
To make a difference in this world for those that need what only you have to offer.
Check out some more inspiring transformations!
Yolanda doubled her monthly income!
“I have been working through the Gateway modules, reading, and listening to the books that were assigned. So far here are my results: I have generated $6,093.97 (normally it’s half that) so far this month with a third of the month left! I have more potential clients rolling in regularly from organic traffic. It’s as though I was pushing so hard for so long and now it feels so complete. I am so grateful for this space!!”
~ Yolanda Brionez – Los Angeles, CA
More income now than in my former job hated!
“I have been a part of two incredible mastermind groups that have been so supportive and I almost SOLD OUT of a food intolerance test that I posted about at 8pm last night! I always encourage my client’s to share their success and thought I’d do the same here! I know this new ignited passion, abundance and success is because of the guidance of this program. Can’t wait to see what is next for me!”
~ Kelly Brock – Lindenhurst, NY
Surpassed My 5K Goal!
“The past 3 months has been amazing! I got clear on who I truly wanted to work with: CEOs and women leaders and entrepreneurs (which led to me changing my LinkedIn description and turned into a new 3k totally ideal client!), I did 9 market research interviews to get clear on my ICAs current challenges & goals… (and this led me to selling even more package!). All to say, I will have surpassed my original 90 day goal of $5k by 1 Sep… And because Gina inspired me to ask for more than I “needed” … I decided mid way through the program to increase my goal to $6k. And that’s EXACTLY what happened this month. 2 of my 90 day packages sold for a total of $6000…and I don’t even have my sales page done yet!
With more already set up for next month and the following months! I’m blown away. Especially because all these opportunities we’re just sitting there waiting for me to reach out to my contacts and share my coaching with them. Without this group, I’d still be sitting there staying safe, playing small. This has been such a great program and a wonderful way to get started on this new chapter in my coaching biz!”
~ Sarah Francescutti – Victoria, BC, Canada
Manifested another $3K month!!
“At the beginning of the Gateway program, when we created our business plans, my aim was to hit a $3k month. I was making $3k months in my previous city but not since I moved. During the packages module, when I went back to my business plan, I realized that I have already hit my $3k month!! Time to celebrate and up the target number!”
~ Jaspreet Kaur – Hamilton, New Zealand
Pour yourself something sparkling and let’s celebrate!
- Uncover what is unique and authentic about you (that will have you standing out in the market!) through deep journaling practices / prompts… self-discovery is the root of high-level service!
- Get grounded and clear about your current financial state and your future goals/desires, plus the actionable steps needed to get there
- Access to a 90-Day Goal Chart that will keep you organized and inspired to reach your desired goals no matter if you’re just starting out or already an established entrepreneur
BONUS: Gina’s Basic Business Setup Checklist
BONUS: Carrie Green of Female Entrepreneur Association’s 90-Day Business Success Plan
- Overcome your limiting beliefs around money with Gina’s step-by-step mindset conditioning charts and open yourself up to receiving the abundance you deserve (and start charging what you’re worth!)
- Access to the 13 Universal Laws of Manifesting Guide to accelerate your goals and desires (hello 10k months!)
- How to rewrite & transform your money story with money mantra practices that will accelerate your financial success + price points
BONUS: Gina’s Miraculous Wealth Meditation Audio + 20 Steps for Manifesting Anything You Desire
BONUS: Gina’s Money Monsters Chart from The Audacity to be Queen
- Strategies to dial-in your own story, what challenges you’ve overcome, and how you can use your experiences to help others achieve a similar result (the #1 way to attract your ideal client!)
- Discover your ideal clients with provided “client clarity” interview questions + checklists
- Learn how to pitch the results you can get your clients and leverage your packages within the market!
BONUS: Ideal Client Examples, Success Stories, and a “Find Your Ideal Client” Coaching Sessions all from Divine Living Academy Alumni
- Journaling exercises that will have you continuing to heal money wounds so you can charge what you’re worth…guilt-free!
- Access to the top 5 package design tips that will have your clients begging to work with you!
- How to set boundaries with clients and add features to your packages to maximize your time
BONUS: Client Onboarding Materials (Including a Sample Contract, a Sample Welcome Packet, and the Girl’s Guide to Lawyers!)
BONUS: The Divine Living Business Calculator (to get you on the fast-track to 10K months)
- How to confidently share your unique story in powerful ways that are sure to attract like-minded clients to you (and that will have them wanting to buy your offers!)
- Learn from industry experts how they create copy that converts…every single time!
- How to entice your reader + increase click rates with catchy subject lines, stories that resonate, and gorgeous graphics (the more clicks, the more sales!)
BONUS: Quick Tips From Divine Living to Make Your Email Pop
BONUS: Divine Living Newsletter Template
- Step-by-step video coaching demonstrations to take you through a typical 1:1 coaching session with a client
- Gina’s 5 coaching superpowers, list of deep-diving questions, and rules of ethics that are easy to implement and guaranteed to serve your clients at the highest level
- Empowering self-discovery tools that will position you as an expert coach in your target market (dialing in your expertise and creating confidence will attract clients to you!)
BONUS: Three Full Length 1:1 Coaching Demos
- Convert your prospects into customers by having a sales page that highlights your expertise, benefits, and results!
- How to motivate your potential clients to take fast action through irresistible offerings, CTA buttons and creating a sense of #FOMO
- Why you need a sales page in addition to your website to amplify your income + impact (also where to delegate to a VA to amplify your sales!)
- Simplify your payment methods, including your email follow ups, to get easy “cha-ching” reports coming through while simultaneously having your clients feeling excited and seen
BONUS: The Divine Living Sales Page Checklist
- How to lock in your first client conversions + how to continue scaling in 4 easy steps (including email templates!)
- A step-by-step guide to track leads so that you know exactly what is working and what isn’t to better dial-in your offerings
- How to use the hottest platforms on social media as the ultimate (and lowest costing) marketing tool + guided strategies to ladder build from 5K to 10K months and up
BONUS: Mindset Must-Haves For Your First Client Conversion To Consistent 10K Months
BONUS: Recommended Wealth Consciousness Reads.
- Envision and create action-steps to make BOLD decisions and become visible in your niche
- Taking inspired-action video with Gina to get you connected to your “why” power, claiming your worth, and feeling confident!
- In-depth understanding of your neurological conditioning (and 10 common fear-based beliefs) plus how to transform it with a 3-step plan
BONUS: Creating + Refining Your Daily Schedule
BONUS: Mindset Resources for the Feminine CEO (journaling reflections of the habits of successful women entrepreneurs, Divine Living Talkshow episodes on feminine leadership, and receiving logs)
- Discovery calls are VITAL to signing on new clients…learn how to make them successful, easy sales each time!
- Overcome your fears around 1:1 calls (remember, you ARE an expert!)
- Master the sales conversation without it feeling too “salesy” or “pitchy”
BONUS: Sales Conversion Examples + Discovery Session Logistics
BONUS: Paypal Credit / USA Business Grants / Canadian Business Grants to help clients access and facilitate funds
What to expect during the program
Mark your calendars and get your questions ready! You can look forward to 10 weeks of live group calls with Gina every Monday at 10am PST. She will walk you through each module and the key pieces of training you need, as well as how to implement it!
As a community member, you will be placed into small coaching groups and assigned an Implementation Coach. With your smaller group, you can look forward to weekly sessions led by your Divine Living Coach to help you implement the content taught every week and stay accountable. There will be time to ask questions, but most importantly, time to get to WORK implementing the things that will move your package plans forward.
Surround yourself with the other women who are going for it! You will have the opportunity to find a sister to mastermind with for continued accountability and support. No woman left behind here!
Periodically throughout the course, you can look forward to surprise guest expert sessions with some of Gina’s favorite and most accredited colleagues in the industry! From social media, professional speaking, copywriting, to selling, mindset…you name it, you are going to love hearing what these incredible leaders have to say!
This creative found her community (and 10K months!)
“As a multi-passionate creative it is hard to find your niche. With Gina, the program, and your designated coach, you can do it! The modules and resources are here to provide extensive guidance, support, and call out any limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your success. I reached my 10k goals for 2 months in a row. I know you can do it too with and in this vibrant community of hearts and stars!”
~ Norma Hoeppner – BC. Canada
After this program, I’m not the same woman… I’m better!
“It’s a party!!! I’m celebrating a “YES” to a $2,500 package today and finally making Queenly decisions with my money. I’ve also learned the concept of currency and wise investments in my business (like enrolling in the Divine Living Academy). After 8 weeks in Gina’s Gateway program…I’m not the same woman. I’m better! I am showing up for myself and my desires. Only onward and upward from here.”
~ Cheryl A. Pullins – Tampa, Florida
Bonuses that take you from ordinary to extraordinary!
These incredible bonuses are here for a limited time only!
(For 12 Months)
- Access to 10 Weeks* of Live Classes + Workbooks
- 10 modules paired with a training video, journaling exercises, and bonus materials (checklists, charts, templates, etc.)
- Weekly Implementation Sessions with a Divine Living Coach
- Inspiring mastermind partnerships and a thriving private Facebook Group to hold you accountable
- The A-list Accelerator Suite
- The Sales Superstar Suite
- A FREE copy of Gina’s book
- Gina’s 1 day coaching intensive replay (a full 5 hours of a real, in-person session with a client)
*When you become a valued Perfectly Packaged member, you will also receive the special opportunity to apply a $500 credit towards continuing your success in the 6-month Divine Living Academy! This offer expires January 29, 2021 and cannot be combined with other offers.
- Access to 10 Weeks* of Live Classes + Workbooks
- 10 modules paired with a training video, journaling exercises, and bonus materials (checklists, charts, templates, etc.)
- Weekly Implementation Sessions with a Divine Living Coach
- Inspiring mastermind partnerships and a thriving private Facebook Group to hold you accountable
- The A-list Accelerator Suite
- The Sales Superstar Suite
- A FREE copy of Gina’s book
- Gina’s 1 day coaching intensive replay (a full 5 hours of a real, in-person session with a client)
*When you become a valued Perfectly Packaged member, you will also receive the special opportunity to apply a $500 credit towards continuing your success in the 6-month Divine Living Academy! This offer expires January 29, 2021 and cannot be combined with other offers.
Enrollment closes Friday, September 25th at Midnight pst!
These are some of the exact lessons, methods and techniques I’ve used to build my business and help thousands of other women do the same. By the end of this course, if you do the work, you will know exactly what you desire to do, who you want to serve, and how you will help. Not only that, but you will have also created your packages and pricing, transformed your money-mindset, developed a brand, and begun learning how to confidently sell your services.
If you do the work, I guarantee you’ll see the results!
If you’ve given it a fair shot and decide the program isn’t a fit for you (within the first 14 days from the release of the first Module on September 30, 2020), email my team and we will fully refund your money – NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
All refund requests must be submitted to the email address above no later than October 14, 2020.
By signing up today, you’ll receive these incredible bonuses and lifetime access to the membership site to soak up the trainings as often as you’d like!
See how these incredible women have fast-tracked their success!
After years, I finally feel excited to ‘work’ again!
“Today when I took my kids to the park and it was time to get back home, I realized I was feeling excited and lit up to get back to work. This hasn’t been my reality for… years. I was always in such a low place of toil and confusion. Now I feel like I have a purpose, I am happy to get back to selling because I want people to experience the transformation I offer! It is entirely a different game. I signed up two clients last week!”
~ Natasha Veresova – Tokyo
Created my first package and reached my 3k goal!
“I don’t even know where to begin. First, this was a reminder of who I am and have been afraid to be. I’ve wasted a lot of time standing on the side lines. This has ignited hope and faith in the journey of life and a renewed spirit with God. It has shifted my money mindset from what was a martyr/give it all away belief. And it has supported my own personal transformation on some of the harder core issues discovered and allowed me to kill the version of myself that no longer serves me and doesn’t allow me to be all I can be. I have reclaimed my power back and gaining confidence and working on the consistency piece that has previously stopped me, the yo-yo! It allowed me to meet many dynamic women and confirm that I am not alone in the emotions that have held me back for so long and claim the power that the desires of my heart propel me to return to and bring to fruition like never before. My Epic Life Awaits!”
~ Sandra Ann Michaud – Honolulu, HI, United States
The one program that changed my life and income!
“My first year in business I was struggling to figure out what people would love to see FROM ME. I finally received guidance from Gina to launch a Feminine class at 33$ and 53 women enrolled! Now I get to teach women not just about learning but embodying their femininity! That 33$ program has given me consistent 5 figure months for the last 4 months! I feel so confident now, NO MATTER WHAT!”
~ Maii Vuu – Sydney, Australia
Have Questions?
Q: How long is the program?
A: Perfectly Packaged is a 10 week program (with lifetime access to the modules), starting September 30th. Each week comes with its own coaching call with Gina (on Mondays at 10am PST via Zoom), training topic, and workbook portion to follow along with.
Q: What if I can’t make the live trainings?
A: If you can’t make it live, we will post the replays of every call inside the Facebook group and within your membership site. This way, you can re-listen as many times as you’d like!
Q: How do I know if I’m the right fit for this program?
A: Great question, dahling! This program is right for any online service-based professional or anyone looking to sell online and scale their income to reach consistent 10k months. Including, but not limited to, therapists, coaches, stylists, nutritionists, fitness instructors, photographers, etc.If you (think) you don’t have a clue what your expertise is but are feeling called to discover it with guidance, this is for you!If you have started to launch your dream business, but desire support to help you stay on track, avoid expensive mistakes and scale it, this is for you.If you want to start using your gifts and talents to serve others on a global scale and monetize your passions, this is for you.Ultimately, if you have a dream, a can-do attitude, coachable mindset and are ready to SHOW UP for yourself and your desires, this is for you.
Q: Now isn’t a good time, can I join in the future?
A: I can guarantee that it will never feel like the “right time” to start a business. So I would definitely act now while I’m offering this extensive list of limited-time bonuses! Plus I don’t know that this exact offer will be available again. (I tend to change things up!)
Q: What will the program cover?
A: How to design your unique expertise into stand-out packages that will attract your ideal clients within your target market. This program is for any level of entrepreneurship, offering step-by-step guidance and support that can be adjusted and customized to fit your personal needs. Learn how to structure your packages, scale your price points, develop unshakeable confidence, and breakthrough limiting beliefs to reach 10k months and beyond!
Q: How much time will I get with you?
A: You’ll get access to me through the 10 weekly coaching sessions, the private Facebook group and pop-up Facebook Lives. Aside from time with me, you’ll get weekly group sessions with a Divine Living coach and individualized support with your mastermind partner.
Q: What happens when this course is over?
A: Your growth journey doesn’t have to end there! Here at Divine Living, we reward those that remain resilient in pursuit of their dreams! You will have the opportunity to apply a credit of $500 from your Perfectly Packaged Program tuition toward enrollment for the Divine Living Academy (my 6-month program!) if you choose to continue. This offer expires January 29, 2021 and cannot be combined with other offers.
Q: Can I really make it worth the investment?
A: If you follow the coaching, show up and put in the work, you can most definitely make your investment back and fast. You’ve seen the client stories throughout this page, and there’s no reason why you can’t have the same experience or success (if not greater!). So the real question is: what’s the cost of you not investing in your dream, your offerings and yourself? What will it cost you to not receive help, guidance, support and accountability?
See what more superstars are saying about Ginas’s Programs!
Emilie didn’t hit her goal… she passed it!
“I did not hit my $10k goal this month in the Academy. That number has been haunting me since I started my business one year ago. That number has been messing with my head for too long. So I decided to leapfrog it, I set my target for January at $15k and ended the month at $15,042. Celebrating with my fam in Disney World!”
~ Emilie Karun – Illinois, U.S.
Sonia is now scaling her income!
“Being in Gina’s recent program has absolutely transformed my life – especially the money aspect! I was finally able to move out of a paralysis analysis and relaunch my business! I made almost $2,000 in my second month and it’s still growing! As I’m digging deeper into the program, I’m experiencing deeper shifts, healing and transformation – I can’t wait to see what else unfolds!”
~ Sonia Stephanie
Yes! This program is absolutely for you if:
- You are ready to understand what makes you stand out in the market and use it to authentically share your story + services with confidence
- You want your ideal clients to start seeking you out and asking how to work with you!
- You desire to transform your money story + elevate your wealth consciousness so you can start charging what you’re worth (goodbye to accepting crumbs, asking for barely enough to get by, or feeling ‘guilty’ about money!)
- You want to use social media to expand your reach+impact and feel “finally famous” with hundreds (and thousands!) of like-minded followers who actually get you, crave your message, and want to work with you
- You want to learn how to structure your packages and prices to be perfectly in alignment with you and your desired lifestyle
- You are ready to see how simple selling can really be when you are working in your strengths and finally set yourself up for that totally doable 10k month!
My Perfectly Packaged promise to you…
While we all know that anyone can launch a package, there’s a reason why not everyone does. There’s a reason why people spend their days silencing their passions, staying invisible, and remaining stuck in lives they aren’t in love with. And that reason is -fear. And the best way to conquer fear is to feel it and just go for it anyways!
I know you have what it takes. Deep down, you know you have what it takes. Having been where you are myself, I can assure you this is the program and high-level support you need to take action, confidently (that I wish I had when first starting out!)
I will give your voice the boost of confidence it needs to be heard, have your unique services being seen by your ideal audience, and get you on the fast-track to 10k months by helping you structure your packages with proven-to-work methods. There’s no need for you to wonder “what if” any more.
The Perfectly Packaged Program is specially designed to provide you with all the support you need to transform your mindset and self-worth in order to be seen and properly price your offerings, create high-end packages, and simply sell to clients. Your God-given talents are finally receiving the permission to be released and a whole team of Queens and A-List mentors are here to guide you along every step of the way.
I hope you are ready to see how amazing life can get when you become confident in your unique talents and get great at being of high-service, because that’s what’s coming your way when you show up and put in the work. The age of women rising up, healing the world, and powerfully leading through their own passions is NOW. I can’t wait to see what you envision for yourself and help you design the packages of your dreams.
And I promise, if you show up, stay coachable and put in the work, you’ll see just how possible it is!
Much love,