Surrendering to Life’s Adventure

Living life in the moment and for the moment.✨ This seems to be a great challenge for modern day women whose thoughts often are stuck in the past or addicted to controlling the future.  THIS moment.  Right here. Right now.  Me. You. God.  For that I’m grateful. 🙏🏽 Thankful to be alive.  Remembering (at least this minute) that we have a choice in how we do life, what we focus on and how we spend our days.

Living life in the moment and for the moment.✨

This seems to be a great challenge for modern day women whose thoughts often are stuck in the past or addicted to controlling the future.  THIS moment.  Right here. Right now.  Me. You. God.  For that I’m grateful. 🙏🏽 Thankful to be alive.  Remembering (at least this minute) that we have a choice in how we do life, what we focus on and how we spend our days.

The more I live, the more responsibility I take for living life by design.  Too much of my past was filled with unconscious excuses and programming as to why I couldn’t live the way I wanted to that day and just hoped it’d be different in the future.

I welcome today, not as a Tuesday with a bunch of stuff to do, but as a blank canvas to create with the Divine.  The possibilities are always limitless.  Even when (and especially when) we see little to no options.

Today I pray that we all open up to the endless possibilities that will guide us to the solutions we seek, remembering they do exist.  Surrender, then surrender more, and then some more. ❤️

Surrendering will create the space for Spirit to whisper to you through your desires.  Listen.  Then do that.  You’ll find yourself romanticizing the adventure of your life.

Be sure to follow me on Instagram for valuable insights, practical tips, and inspirations to nurture your journey to divine living.

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