All Your Desires Are Available For You

There’s these situations that arise in our lives that, on a spiritually good day, we call them “opportunities for growth”. 

There’s these situations that arise in our lives that, on a spiritually good day, we call them “opportunities for growth”. 

On a more human day, we can feel swallowed up, overtaken, lost, forgotten, invisible, depressed, pit-in-the-stomach-anxious, and just downright SCARED.

It’s a painful experience being overwhelmed by fear, and I’m sure we can all agree that it’s no way to live. 

And yet, smart, hardworking, spiritual, personally developed women like us get the 2:47 a.m. wakeup calls from the “you’re never going to make it” monster far too often.

A spiritually aligned Queen knows that all of her desires are available to her. 👑

It’s not about magic. It’s in the discovering of who you are that the possibilities open up and the transformation takes place.

There is no tolerance for lack, no availability for confusion, no need for loneliness, isolation, or spinning. Over working, over giving and “doing it all” are over. Queens do not experience a fun-free, support-free, romance-free or travel-free existence. 💖

Be sure to follow me on Instagram for valuable insights, practical tips, and inspirations to nurture your journey to divine living.

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