Bring Out Your Authentic Self

coach mike bayer
We're all just trying to figure this thing —life— out. We can all learn from each other. One thing I've learned is that people will help you for free, especially if you're extremely coachable. So remain coachable at any age, no matter what you do!

Hey queens, I’m so glad you’re tuning in to today’s episode, because you’re about to learn some pretty cool stuff!

This week, I’m interviewing the one and only Mike Bayer, the first male guest on the Divine Living podcast, so yayy for that!

If you’re not sure who he is, then you’ll really get to know him today. Mike is a coach, a New York Times best-selling author, and a mental health practitioner based in LA. 

He has worked with some pretty famous people from Demi Lovato to JLO, and today, he’s here to share his wisdom and knowledge with us!

So, if you want to learn how you can grow into the person you’re meant to be and be the bad bitch you know you are, this episode is for you, so tune in now! 

Get to Know Mike

Mike is a coach and mental health practitioner. He’s worked with several celebrities, mostly female artists, such as the queen herself, Jennifer Lopez. Mike has spent years and years doing different types of work, so he’s kind of a jack of all trades, especially when it comes to mental health!

He started his career doing crisis interventions and counseling. He’s always wanted to help people, so this path was perfect for a soul as beautiful as his! 

Mike says that a lot of people are fascinated by his job. They ask him how he ended up working with superstars, and he always tells them the same thing: He kept pushing himself to get better at his craft, and him being the best at what he does is what landed him so many celebrity clients.

Mike says that he loves working with people with creative energies, which would explain why so many of his customers are artists. Plus, he’s just really good at it!

He also attributes his success to the power of manifestation. He spent time and energy thinking about what he wanted his life to look like, and he made that a reality. How? Simply by creating the right experience for the type of client he’s always wanted to work with. 

Bring Out Your Inner Bad Bitch

As Mike says, he knows he’s a bad bitch. And we love this confident energy! 

Every single one of us has a bad bitch inside them, and all you have to do is let them out. If you’ve survived something really challenging in your life, and you’ve gotten to the other side of it, you’re a bad bitch, so embrace it! 

You can choose to be ashamed of your bad experiences, or you can choose to use your hardships to fuel your success and badassery. 

Everyone goes through rough stuff, the secret is to own it and turn it into a source of strength and pride. 

The Importance of Being Your Authentic Self

There are a few decisive moments in every person’s life, and that’s when they get to choose to either grow or go. 

Mike chose to grow, he chose to be his most authentic self, and that’s what he urges his clients to always do. 

This is summarized in this quote from his book “Best Self”: 

“The real problem is that people are living lives that are incongruent with their authentic selves, either because they’re following their family’s footsteps instead of carving their own path, or they’re doing what worked for them 10 years ago, but simply doesn’t anymore. They’ve closed themselves off to what life has to offer because of fear or any number of other reasons.”

And it truly encompasses everything I’m working towards every single day, because happiness can only be achieved when you’re being your most authentic self. 

Words of Wisdom from Mike

I asked Mike for some words of wisdom, and here’s what he had to say:

“We’re all just trying to figure this thing —life— out. We can all learn from each other. One thing I’ve learned is that people will help you for free, especially if you’re extremely coachable. So remain coachable at any age, no matter what you do!”

Coach Mike Bayer, everyone! It truly was a pleasure!

Additional resources

Mike Bayer, what a breath of fresh air! 

If you enjoyed this conversation and want to learn more about him, check out the website here!

We’d also love to know your takeaways, please screenshot the episode and tag us on Instagram! My handle is @ginadevee and you can find Sarah at @coachmikebayer.

And if you haven’t already, subscribe to the Divine Living podcast, share your reviews, and tune in every week to get one step closer to your Queenhood! 

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