End Procrastination and Manage Your Time Like a Queen

A Queen has more than enough time. We owe it ourselves to end the low vibe of procrastination and move our lives forward. Procrastination comes from a place of fear. It robs our activities of joy and it’s time to stop procrastinating!

Today I share with you some of the ways in which I caught myself procrastinating. To be honest, I was not behaving like a Queen, but I quickly woke up to what I was doing and got myself back on track. 

When I stop putting things off for the last minute, I made more space for things I’m obsessed with. Life became more fun, more enjoyable, more carefree. I hope that you can learn from my experiences and learn how to prioritize DIVINE LIVING.

Key points discussed

  • How I fixed my morning routine (01:00)
  • Stressing about time is not for Queens (07:30)
  • Ending procrastination around holidays (13:27)
  • Making decisions that set us free (16:15)
  • Think about your support structure (18:20)
  • We need to prioritize ourselves first (20:56)
  • Here’s what I have in store for Black Friday (24:42)

Additional resources

I’d also be so honored to hear your takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @ginadevee. Let’s get talking, my dear Queen!

Be sure to subscribe to the Divine Living podcast, share your reviews, and tune in every week to get one step closer to your Queenhood! 

Join me in this FIRST EVER online, exclusive event that is sure to guide you on your path to Queendom!

You deserve to experience the high-vibe energy of a Divine Living event… plus, the miraculous co-creation with Spirit, fun with new female friends, top-shelf business training the feminine way, and A-list mentorship that will ignite your vision forward.

LAST CHANCE to claim your Black Friday special ticket to The Audacity to Be Queen Book Club Event! ($297 VALUE, YOURS FOR ONLY $27!!!!!)

Finally, join us for the Thanksgiving month over in the Q Club! The Q Club is your new favorite at-home destination for all things Queen: femininity, luxury, spirituality, travel, lifestyle, entrepreneurship, high-vibe community, and unapologetic self-permission. There’s still time to join so don’t hesitate, click here and let the fierce, feminine, and fabulous FUN start now!


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