The Radical State of Acceptance and Surrender with Gabby Bernstein

Gabby Bernstein

What does it mean to surrender? Is it about giving up, or is there more to it? My dahlings, today I have the wonderful Gabby Bernstein as my guest, and she will tell us all about surrender and acceptance!

If you don’t know her already, Gabby is a New York Times bestselling author and a trailblazer in the world of spiritual entrepreneurship. She’s published eight phenomenal books, she was listed in Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, and she co-hosted Deepak Chopra’s Guinness world record for the largest group meditation. Need I say more? I don’t think so! Let’s jump right into it and receive some amazing Queenly blessings!


The Spiritual Perspective on Our New Normal

This year we’ve been through a lot, and we’ll keep going. Many people are asking the question: “What’s next?” but not necessarily from a place of high vibration. I wanted to ask Gabby to give us some advice on weathering these storms and going through these changes while still manifesting all our dreams. Her answer was simple: radical acceptance.

Now is the time for acceptance and surrender. From a spiritual and even psychological perspective, we know that what we resist will persist. When we push against this stream of what’s around us, the resistance within us grows stronger. We end up feeling anxious or worried or drained. 

The key to unlocking our highest potential, even during such times, is to focus on what is thriving right now. That way, we can create more of what we want. We align ourselves with higher spiritual vibrations. The state of acceptance allows us to take a breath and recognize all the good that’s still going on, and everything that remains possible. 


The Two Choices Right Now

We can either move through this with resistance or with acceptance. The choice, as always, is entirely up to us. Gabby recommends that we take this time to awaken to the parts of ourselves that we’ve been too busy to notice or address. 

Whether it’s being awakened to more remarkable spiritual development, a better relationship with our body, our spirit, and our connection to others, the choice is clear, my dear Queens. Every moment has a gift to offer if we’re open to receiving it.


The Queenly Acts of Surrender

“When you think you’ve surrendered, surrender more.” – Gabby Bernstein

The first big step in the process of surrender is to focus on what is thriving. The secret to prayer is to forget what you think you need. When we get hung up on specific outcomes, we close the door to everything else that might be possible for us. Gabby told me that we should actually pray for the highest good for all. In this way, we allow the Universe to manifest those outcomes that are the most beneficial in our life right now. 

So if you can’t get what you want just yet, focus on what’s already bringing you joy. It will take you out of that controlling energy and allow the surrender to work its magic. And when we let go and give over, all those miracles we want get the space they need to manifest. 


How to Feel Worthy of All the Queenly Things You Deserve

Worthiness is the value we place in ourselves. These views are formed at a very young age. These wounds we carry since childhood, inform the patterns that we act out for decades. The mission of a Queen is to wake up to those patterns, acknowledge them, and let go. 

Gabby told me that the first step to unwind these feelings of unworthiness is to gently and lovingly pay attention to them. Recognize when it blocks your progress and kindly tell yourself: “It’s all good. You deserve this.”

For many of us, there are some areas where we may feel unworthy, and others were we feel like we can take on the world. Approach yourself through a holistic lens and allow all your broken parts to play together. You got this, Queen.


Learning to Become a Super Attractor

Gabby has a book out that I HIGHLY recommend you get. It’s called “Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.” Today I asked her to share some lessons and methods from it that she’s found useful in her own life.

The book is about manifesting your desires, but really, it’s about being happy. Gabby put it so well and in such simple terms: “Recognize that it’s good to feel good.” We become a super attractor when aligning with the higher vibrations, the good energy. It’s a decision every Queen makes—a decision to be happy. And how do we do that? We stop wallowing in what’s not working and become open to creative possibilities. 


The Spiritually Aligned Action Method

If you’re anything like me, you want to do more, more, more, to always go bigger. That’s why I found Gabby’s chapter “Do Less to Attract More” so transformational and powerful. We’re so conditioned by the world to think we have to do more to get more. But is that the best way to manifest our dreams? 

Gabby shared with us a method from her book called “The Spiritually Aligned Action Method”. My dahlings, I think this method is such a blessing. The first step is to make sure that whatever your desire is, it’s backed with love and service. And this is not just about being spiritual. All our desires can have this motivation behind them, whether it’s wanting a new beautiful house or a great man in your life. I’ll just give you a short example: when thinking about your dream house, think about all the people you can welcome, all the food, laughter, and joy you can share with them in your new space. See? That’s love and service right there. 

The second step is to have faith of any kind. Whatever that might be for you, just trust that there is a presence beyond your own. The third step is to only take action from spiritual alignment. And spiritual alignment comes from practicing steps one and two. So, when you know that your desire is backed by love and service and when you’re grounded in the divine presence, that’s when you take action. And then? 

Patience. It’s the most important step. It means that you’re confident that something better is coming. Your desires have the faith of the Universe and the love and service behind them, so you can be relaxed and patient. 

Maybe you won’t get exactly what you want, but through this method, you can trust that whatever is coming is for the highest good. It’s going to be precisely what you need, giving you great lessons and opportunities.


What an inspiration Gabby is! I hope this episode today was something you really needed to hear, my dahlings. I hope it lights up a fire in you and allows you to manifest all your dreams. 

To get more Queenly wisdom from Gabby, sign up today for her 5-Step Guide to

Unlock Purpose & Abundance, get her book Super Attractor, and listen to her book You Are the Guru for free on Audible! 

If you enjoyed this podcast, please take a screenshot and share it on Instagram and tag me at Gina DeVee. I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaways are! 

And also, please go and subscribe to the Divine Living podcast. I really want to make sure that you get all the new episodes that come out. I’d also be so grateful if you could share this with a friend and leave a review as well! I’d love to hear your feedback and takeaways.


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