How To Handle Triggers Like a Queen

We all have core wounds that get triggered from time to time. But is that really the worst thing that can happen? Not at all! My dahling, when you’re committed to the process of healing, you get the power to welcome triggers as blessings.

I’m not saying I never get triggered, because I do. But by working to overcome these triggers and heal my core wounds, I’ve gotten so much better at handling my reactions. 

That’s the key here – triggers WILL happen. But it’s up to you if you’re going to react like a Queen, or if you’re going to let your emotions give into the unconscious programming.

In this episode, I’m sharing with you how I handle triggering situations and how I work to make progress. Remember, our journey is all about progress – NOT perfection.

And I also want you to know that some triggers hit at our very deep, core wounds. This is something you don’t have to handle alone! Give yourself permission to ask for help and actually receive it.  

When you’re committed to the process and when you work with other Queens to overcome your triggers, everything becomes a blessing that gives us even more light to shine on the world.

My dahlings, I’m so thrilled for you to hear this! Please tune in and share your takeaways after!

Key points discussed

  • Everything is happening for us, not to us (00:51)
  • Commit to not wanting to be right, but happy (06:07)
  • Triggers can lead to a more authentic you (10:31)
  • We don’t have to figure everything out by ourselves (13:02)
  • Every trigger is an opportunity to move forward (17:00)
  • A prayer to get you in a place of peace and understanding (22:03)

Additional resources

I’d be so grateful and honored to hear your takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @ginadevee. I’ll be reposting it all! Also, feel free to just shoot me a DM. Let’s get talking, my dear Queens!

And if you could use a little extra support, join our community as we empower each other to live the EPIC life! 

You can also find a lot of free meditations, workbooks, Q&As with me over at our website…  I hope it does you a world of good!

Finally, be sure to subscribe to the Divine Living podcast, share your reviews, and tune in every week to get one step closer to your Queenhood! 

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