There’s not a lot to overcome when you’re in the here and now. Easier said than done, I know. So, today I want to talk about overcoming fear and pain because that’s something we’ve all been working on lately.

Today I want to talk about overcoming fear and pain. I know this year has been tough for so many of us, but regardless of the obstacles, doubt, and despair, we always find a way to overcome whatever is standing in our way. It’s actually in our nature as Queens.

This episode is here to shed light on how we can use our feminine power and spiritual connection to shorten the timeline on overcoming these hurdles. It doesn’t have to take weeks, months, or even years. Let’s understand how to make that process faster, easier, and much more enjoyable!

Key points discussed

  • Fear is false evidence appearing real (00:00)
  • Let’s pray to overcome feelings of doubt and insecurity (04:55)
  • Try to see yourself through the eyes of God (08:13)
  • Give yourself permission to call it quits when it’s needed (13:27)
  • Start to focus on what is possible (19:59)
  • If you weren’t necessary, you wouldn’t be here (25:44)
  • Go be of service to at least one other person (27:06)

Additional resources

I’d be so honored to hear your takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @ginadevee. Let’s get talking, my dear Queen!

Be sure to subscribe to the Divine Living podcast, share your reviews, and tune in every week to get one step closer to your Queenhood!

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This new 8-part training course, supplementary to my first ever book, The Audacity to be Queen, is your chance to awaken the Queen within so you can create spectacular success on your own terms.

This course will guide you through some of the most important aspects of stepping into your Queenhood while providing simple takeaways and mindset shifts you can implement on a daily basis.

Click here for FREE meditations, workbooks, and Q&As with me and get started today!

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