The Courage to Have It All

Are you the limiting factor in your own life? We women often grapple with the concept that we can, indeed, have it all. So instead of thwarting our own success, joy, and happiness, today I want us to drop all limitations and get great at receiving.

What would happen if you woke up every day expecting miracles? Absolutely everything is happening for you, not to you. With that attitude, every day can be full of gifts and dazzle and transformation. 

Queen, I want you to live in your truth. Having it all really means experiencing your destiny to its fullness. Join me today as I explore different ways we can let go of limitations and embrace our divine purpose.

Key points discussed

  • A short prayer to get great at receiving and dreaming big (00:00)
  • How we sabotage our life when everything is great (04:42)
  • Becoming a vibrational match for our divine purpose (09:12)
  • Start focusing on all the miracles that are already there (14:49)
  • Surround yourself with Queens who won’t let you get down (18:35)
  • This is my big Dolce Vita dream for 2021 – let’s do it together! (20:29)

Additional resources

I’d also be so honored to hear your takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @ginadevee. Let’s get talking, my dear Queen!

Be sure to subscribe to the Divine Living podcast, share your reviews, and tune in every week to get one step closer to your Queenhood! 

* Are you ready for your quantum leap? Introducing… LA DOLCE VITA! *

This is an intimate 6-month mastermind for multiple 6-figure women, running January – June 2021. I designed it specifically to get you to the next high-level in business and open the doors to living the sweet life. 

Want to join this new community of high-vibe Queens? Click here to see what’s included and how to apply!



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