Setting Weight Loss Goals like a Queen

This episode is inspired by a fellow Queen Joanne, who asked me about my wellness journey and how to lose weight like a Queen. Body transformation is a big topic for all us women, wherever you may be in your journey. So I really felt this is a relevant conversation that we need to have today!

I’ve never had significant body issues, but over the years, I’ve definitely put on more weight than what felt comfortable… And this January, I decided to make it a #nonnegotiable to finally create my big body transformation story, which I’ll share all about in the episode.

The process is still ongoing, and I’ve definitely continued to have my ups and downs, but you know what, I’m not going to be harsh on myself. As Queens, we get to start again every day, and I’m all in now. It’s all about making that decision. 

And when it comes to losing weight, don’t do it because someone tells you to do it. Do it because you give yourself permission to have the body that you will LOVE. Whatever that means for you. 

Don’t ever forget—we get to have it ALL. We can have great money, great relationships, great lifestyle, AND great bodies, all while having fun and enjoying our life. 

That’s the Queenly way. That’s divine living.

Key points discussed

  • A short prayer to start our journey with (00:52)
  • My New Year’s body transformation decision (03:16)
  • We got have it all, in every aspect of life (06:29)
  • Let’s honor our bodies for all they’ve held (11:17)
  • How my personal body journey went this year (13:17)
  • For a Queen, every day is a day to start again (16:52)
  • What my weight loss process looks like (18:44
  • Form new habits and let them carry you through (24:57)
  • Making the decision to lose weight like a Queen (28:12)

Additional resources

I’d be so grateful and honored to hear your takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @ginadevee. I’ll be reposting it all! Also, feel free to just shoot me a DM. Let’s get talking, my dear Queens!

And if you could use a little extra support, join our community as we empower each other to live the EPIC life! 

You can also join me for the BRAND NEW Q CLUB! Head here for more information.. It’s free, fabulous, and totally FUN!

Finally, be sure to subscribe to the Divine Living podcast, share your reviews, and tune in every week to get one step closer to your Queenhood! 



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